TheGrimmReaper64 yeah, its linked in the post, click on the "these misty gloves" text

[ZM] CIA Skeleton Gloves -
[ZM] CIA Skeleton GlovesTxne that may be a bit complicated but i will try my best.
[ZM] CIA Skeleton GlovesHeavily inspired on these misty gloves.
Mediafire Download
Put the .iwi file in the
folder, if these folders dont exist, create them.SHOWCASE IMAGES:
[ZM] PBs PaP Camos PackGhostRider0125 Thank you! But im not sure what are you trying to say, these are not animated camos, they only change the static PaP texture. If you want animated camos for bo1, i recommend you watch this guide . I dont know if these animated camos works tho, because I dont use them.
[ZM] PBs PaP Camos PackA humble pack of 10 PaP camos for bo1.
Mediafire Download
Note that I didnt make any of these, they all are from google images and the vaporwave one is from twitter by dustrial.
I only did a slight editing and formating so these camos can be used ingame.SHOWCASE:
Battle Hardened (from CS:GO)
Black Ice (from Rainbow 6 Siege)
Color Spectrum
Emerald "Leaves"
Gold Dragon
Vaporwave Blocks (by dustrial )
Where are BO1 screenshots stored?RektInator thanks , that was a very fast and nice response.
Where are BO1 screenshots stored?Where is the folder with the screenshots that are created when you press f12 ingame? Is there a way to take screenshots withot using third party software?
EDIT : If anyone is wondering, there is a folder for all plutonium screenshots, in my case the path is
Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1088946267/760/remote/0/screenshots
Are you guys struggling to find the right mods for T6? Well, struggle no longer! Here is an extensive list that I put together of various mods.BloodMoss The mob of the dead one window is outdated, the guy already posted the second version of it. Here is the link
Are you guys struggling to find the right mods for T6? Well, struggle no longer! Here is an extensive list that I put together of various mods.BloodMoss Actual banger, good work dude
[ZM] Emostar Victis Gloves Pack