What is your Discord Name? (Include the # and numbers after the name): plaag#3400
What timezone are you located in? PDT
Are you able to troubleshoot software problems effectively? Yes.
Do you have a good understanding of the English language in both written and spoken form? Yes.
Are you able to follow instructions and behave maturely when required? Yes.
Can you attend voice chats? (Having a microphone is preferred but not required): Yes.
Can you show anything you've helped with previously? (A youtube channel, github, moderate a community, run a clan etc): I worked for Keywords Studios for two years and was a team lead overseeing groups that provided support for Future Games of London, Bandai, and Super Evil Megacorp. My role extended beyond dealing with my subordinates into tech support. Given that my team was located globally, we had a myriad of bugs to identify, try to duplicate in different languages, and communicate to our contact person for each studio. I helped develop detailed steps to replicate issues.
Is there anything else you'd like to say / provide? Beyond the above referenced experience, I have an extensive sales background that has helped me finance my gaming hobby. I've been building computers since 2007 and troubleshooting them since the early 2000's when my mom brought home the worst Compaq computer on the face of the planet. I'd love to help out and have open availability as I'm currently working on an MBA online with no set schedule. Thanks.