Dss0 sorry for creating separate topics because i can't reply why my internet is bad
![poofuu poofuu](/assets/uploads/system/avatar-default.png)
Piry:error while downloanding file sound cmn_root.all.sabs -
Piry:error while downloanding file sound cmn_root.all.sabsi opened the game and error sound bank failed to load cmn root all and i opened piry
to solve the problem -
ERROR : sound bank failed to load cmn_root.all. you have a build problem.what should i do?
Piry error while downloandingso i executed piry and The files are likely corrupted / not fully downloaded
ibcef.dll is not designed to run on windows, bad image, so I opened the game and I get this errorCahz i know but I have already done all the steps of the faq in the cuestions and
the error continues to appear -
ibcef.dll is not designed to run on windows, bad image, so I opened the game and I get this erroris libcef.dll
ibcef.dll is not designed to run on windows, bad image, so I opened the game and I get this errori have windows defender and exclude the folder and i run piry and this error apears