hey there, is there any way you'd be able to get that uploaded if you aren't too busy with any current projects?

[T6ZM] Ray Gun from CoD:Black Ops III -
Progress not savedCompleted the Die Rise quest with friends, I've already dealt with the nav cards and all that. After the game the map icon glowed but I had to reset pluto and when I got back in it was no longer glowing, I confirmed it by going into the map itself and tower was also not glowing. Does anyone know about this issue and have a fix for it?
[T6ZM] Ray Gun from CoD:Black Ops IIILKurama No rush at all I honestly just wasn't certain if it existed at all. So take your time and I appreciate it
[T6ZM] Ray Gun from CoD:Black Ops IIILKurama I see it and actually prefer how it looks there to the base game, is there any way to download it? I am sorta new to how the site works so I'm not great at navigating it
[T6ZM] Ray Gun from CoD:Black Ops IIILKurama Did you by chance ever create a port for bo1? I have been looking around for one but currently unsuccessful
Black Ops 2 Ray GunGhostRider0125 it does look cool, I just personally don't like it because I prefer consistency. Sort of like how the misaligned sights have bugged me since bo2 but I've come to accept that.
Black Ops 2 Ray GunSo I'm a novice when it comes to any sort of modding, I've looked at a couple of tutorials for editing the textures but I can't find a file for the Ray Gun. I'd really like to change its appearance in each map to something more similar to its appearance in Bo4 / BOCW, haven't found any mods that already do this. I also dislike how it's just randomly updated appearance in buried/origins compared to the rest of the maps, however the way it looks in those maps is perfect except for the green coloring instead of blue on the middle section of the weapon. Would love some assistance in either finding a mod that does this or getting a file to make the changes myself.