so I wanted to try out these gsc's one that i got off github and one i made
heres the one I made it's a slide for trickshotting and some reason i have to do the exec command in plutonium and it still doesnt work i want to be able to do it kinda like dojahs ts server.
if this doesnt look like it would work could someone please send me the correct script and id also like to implement it into vanityts.gsc if possible
level thread onPlayerConnect();
level waittill("connected", player);
player thread monitorButtonPress();
self endon("disconnect");
// Wait until both 'B' (button_b) and 'Left' on the D-pad (dpad_left) are pressed
self waittill("button_pressed", "+stance"); // 'B' button is typically the 'stance' button
self waittill("button_pressed", "dpad_left");
// Call the slide spawn function
self thread spawnSlide();
// Add a delay to avoid multiple rapid spawns
wait 0.5;
// Spawn the slide at the player's current location
slide = spawn("script_model", self.origin);
slide setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly"); // Placeholder model; change to any desired model
slide.angles = self.angles; // Align with the player's direction
// Apply custom properties to the slide if needed
slide.knifeTrigger = true;
// Optional: Store the slide for future reference if needed
self.slides = self.slides + [slide];
self iprintlnBold("^2Slide spawned!");
also heres a screenshot of where i have it