Redwesty hello, last thing i want u to check. because that was my case. go to the sound folder in game folder. check a file called zmb_buried.all.sabs. try copying this file anywhere on the pc it should give some kind of corruption error. if thats the case. delete the file. then do the T6 installation repair through torrent.

[BUG] game always crashing when starting a zm map -
BO2 zombies crash on some dlcsi followed teh how to repair ur T6 installation. and its fixed
BO2 zombies crash on some dlcsi downloaded the game from the plutonium torrent.
BO2 zombies crash on some dlcswhenever i run mob of the dead or die rise. the game crashes during loading. tranzit, origins and buried work fine. i dont own teh game nor dlcs on steam