if you look it up, almost none of them does affect a normal/clean win7 build, only in combination with other software like java or microsoft silverlight or many of the "windows features" stuff (which one atleast can deactivate) it can get ugly. and you still can't magically find and exploit it just because the pc has a internet connection. You need someone to download your malware, or get it via a hidden java-driveby-download. but even than, the same can happen to you with win10 and it will get more likely the more ppl use win10.
in all this years, i never needed even one security related microsoft patch. i used malwarebytes antivirus, but its mostly useless because iam not clicking on spam, not visiting same grey or darkwebsites and also i use noscript in my browser for the trustworthy sites i visite (which could get hacked and used to spread viruses).
everytime i search my pc, it doesnt find anything - but even than software could just be made FUD (fully undetectable) with one of many ways to obfuscate a remote administration tool / a keylogger / ransomware or any malware you can think of. no one is safe, you're not safe cause of patches because the patches always arrive late - when the exploit already happened and the loss (of data or what ever) unrecoverable occured.
i really dont unterstand why you made a 8year old game to require dx12 functions