you sure helped me, have a like good sir

Improve your in-game experience and some tips for the pluto project -
Invisibility tool for adminsInfamous we all know specting players is not effective when the player is good and has been walling for a long time so he is used to disguise it, not every player that walls just shoots people through walls like a bot, admins on some servers just blanket statement say nobody is hacking and they ignore even people you record that is following through walls so It's just better to have deffinitive proof baiting wallers into reacting to you when you are invisible, much more effective and also definitive for an immediate ban, we save time and theres no gray area.
Invisibility tool for adminsHi, I'm new to this but I wanted to ask if its possible to code an invisibility mod for admins to catch wallers, like removing your model with a key bind or something similar... any input is appreciated, this exists in mw2 for example and its obviously 100% effective against wallers.