Now everything works perfectly, thank you so much!
Torrent file problem -
Torrent file problemOk but do I just have to put it there (in the "pluto_t6_full_game" folder)? If it so it's still not working. When I click the play button it starts to loading and shutdown the program and I don't know what to do. I've followed all the instructions in the guide, I followed tutorials on YT and still can't get it to work. i have all the requirements to download the game, I did the test. I tried to execute the file as administartor, I click the play button it apperared a popup written on: "The code cannot processing because D3DCOMPILER_43.dll hasn't been found. Please retry to download it again." I don't know what it is exactly this D3DCOMPILER_43.dll. Yeah I'm not a great expert on computer stuffs, if you can't help me don't worry, I just wanna give up, it seems easy why everything I do it seems hard
Torrent file problemAt the phase of downloading the torrent file, in the folder "Games" (inside the "pluto_t6_full_game" folder) it doesn't appear the "plutonium.exe" and I saw it's a common problem but I've never found a solution about it. Could someone explains why this problem occurs and tells if there is a way to solve this?