try setting up a LAN connection to remediate any ping because the network has to ping your connection across to your isp and back to your house to communicate with your brother

Can't play with my brother -
Can't play with my brotherDogeeee I don't understand what your issue is. You said you lagged in ping not fps, so am I safe in assuming your not bouncing across the screen? Please expound on the issues you're seeing with gameplay as you haven't mentioned any of the situations I've relayed in my post or the usual conditions that go along with it. I can't imagine seeing any issues with gameplay caused from 10-30 ping. If you're just mad about seeing any ping at all I don't see why this is a problem. It's not a big deal.
Can't play with my brotherDogeeee said
we live in the same house and server ping is like 10 to 30
Why is that even an issue, though? Any public server you join is gonna have at least 50 ping. Even by that standard I haven't experienced any appreciable lag in terms of inputs, zombie hit distance, zombie animation and corresponding hit detection, etc.
cant download actual BO1.This might seem dumb and obvious, but sometimes when I'm rushing to play I accidentally leave the launcher set on the default game, which is MW3. It gives me the same message as the image you just posted. Are you sure you click on t5 multiplayer when selecting the game folder? Also, my mind is fuzzy on how I originally set it up, but I think when selecting the game files I opened the folder (to where you have it from your first screenshot) instead of just selecting the folder.
game freezing on "downloading game settings" screen.whitelist pluto and game files on your antivirus/malware
STILL can't play on zombies serversCrucible said in STILL can't play on zombies servers:
Just please fix this already.
dude chill this has only been out for 5 days
Campaign progress got resetYou were able to progress through the campaign? If you're saying you were able to play it, you might be able to use the cheat code built into the game to pick any level you want to play. I did it for kicks just to see if it still worked, but I didn't play any of the levels. When you're in the chair, just spam the fire and aim key binds(LT and RT on controller) walk over to the terminal and input "3arc unlock" and that appears to unlock all the campaign levels.
Bo1 Shotgun as secondary. How do you do it?this ain't mw2 dude