What is your Discord Name? (Include the # and numbers after the name) SparKy#1915
What timezone are you located in? GMT
Are you able to troubleshoot software problems effectively? i can run through the basic stuff pretty quickly like repairing, backing up etc
Do you have a good understanding of the English language in both written and spoken form? yeah im from england
Are you able to follow instructions and behave maturely when required? i can but sometimes i might struggle with it if im being honest but im alright during beta testing so i should be alright
Can you attend voice chats? (Having a microphone is preferred but not required) i can talk but i prefer not to due to an annoying cousin in my room but i found i can use push to talk to solve it
Can you show anything you've helped with previously? (A youtube channel, github, moderate a community, run a clan etc) the pluto porting discord (tried to port subbase which i have a video on and i tried to port estate subbase video-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rck-OvB-Nuc
Is there anything else you'd like to say / provide? i do have an ac ban that lasted a week i believe from when i was porting maps and something on my end triggered it, i didn't inject, but so far it hasn't happened since mainly cuz i got rid of all the shit i didn't have use for like bitcoin miner and random files/programmes other than that i call follow instructions and im willing to test every small detail if need be for the occasion
Alpha Tester Applications Thread -
NetflixnChill role signup thread.SpunKy#1915