Go to this forum post: https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/28379/please-help-error-bo1-crash-when-lanching/5 and follow what hadi77ksa said I had this same problem and this worked for me.

Cant launch bo1. Need Help!!! -
BO1 error "Oops, plutonium ran into a problem."Also, when the program fails this is what it says in the terminal:
BO1 error "Oops, plutonium ran into a problem."Every time I try to run black ops 1 this error keeps popping up.
The exception code and address are:
- Exception Code: 0xC0000005
- Exception Address: 0x0071F125
The weird thing is that both black ops 2 and world at war work but this doesn't. Any ideas on how to fix it?