Hadi77KSA + FomroMadia You guys are lit thanks a million, if theres any mods or cool scripts you guys can think of let me know, or if your down to play hmu

PERMA PERKS 2025?I would pay anyone to re-create a script to bring back as many Perma-Perks for BO2 Zombies. Ideally ALL maps but if not the main 3, (TranZit, Buried, Die Rise) offline or online, have no issue either way.
Appreciate it,
Tech -
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 Thank you bro for trying, do you think it be possible those guns with this camo? and we are done
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 Thank you friend but yeah they are okay :D, any chance you can do them with these? same weapons just if we can get these 2 releases with these 2 camos to see whats better.
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/28425/mp-release-dark-matter-camoTHANK YOU LEGEND I WISH YOU WOULD LET ME PAY YOU
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 LEGENDARY SERVICE LAST ONES I PROMISEEEE. Can you do Dark Aether from here:
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/18826/release-dark-aether-from-bocwfor: Colt M16A4 + PDW + Both RayGuns + KAP-40 + Mauser C96 + FAL + Type 25 + BlunderGat?
welp its been a pleasure boys✌GhostRider0125 you have been amazing will tag you if i need more damascus or atomic skins :D, might ask you for dark matter lmao
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 Hello friend! I am back to bother you a bit if possible!! Really would like these in reflective Damascus if possible! Would complete my Zombie Journey!
M1911 + DSR50 + Type25 + M14 + HAMR + Ballistic Knife.Ideally looking like these from this link: https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/12565/zm-pap-camo-style-like-damascus-cod-mw-buried-die-rise-green-run-nuketown?_=1691904584064
Appreciate it FRIEND!
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 said in Paying 4 Atomic BO2 Zombies:
do origins
hahaha all good bro.
I already have shotguns just looking for a script that keeps the eyes blue all the time not sure if you can find a working on the forums.
Same with perma perks I got some but not all just wondering if theres a script to keep them on either all maps or most
Always my friend Atomic Reflective much cleaner
Last Questions
- Is there a way to get Shotgun with Blue eyes permanetely?
- Anyway to get all perma perks in all maps or in most any script?
BTW any chance you can do these last ones in realistic atomic? REALLY APPRECIATE YOU
- Ak74u
- Barrett
- Five Seven Dual
- Sliquifier
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 Done! and loving the camos my friend! any chance the Atomic can look like the SVU sniper for all the camos youve created? Just curious if its possible cause thats the most realistic looking ones
appreciate you helping out
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 I appreciate it my friend! but 4 real I can pay! any chance we can talk on discord :D? Cheers
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 If you do all (except Staffs, Wonder Weapons) $100 USD?
if not all good turns out Atomic I prefer, can you do these pls? Sendpaypal
B23R + MP5 + Remington 870 MCS + SVU-AS + DSR 50 +
Galil -
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 AWESOME BRO! Any chance you can do ALLL guns in Atomic only? add me on discord Ill pay ya
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 Please answer back boss
Perma Perks 2023?dontknowletspl where do I put it? exact location pls
Perma Perks 2023?dontknowletspl Is there a way to get permanet blue shotgun eyes boss?
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 It Would be static! dont worry about animation, can you make it happen for all guns on spawn? the atomic one and the third one? Ill test and send you the dough
Paying 4 Atomic BO2 ZombiesPaying good money if someone can create atomic + DM for BO2 ZOMBIES for all skins (Not Multiplayer)
cheers! -
No Audio?FlyingNinja2009 3 years later
It works now
Paying for Skin In BO2 ZombiesGhostRider0125 thanks bro appreciate it! do you have anything for Shotgun Rank with blue eyes all the time? or all permaperks? cheers!