This is amazing, good work!

[Release] T6 Infected Gamemode -
Bots are bad?Re: [Release] MW3 Style Infection Gamemode
Yo - loving the idea of this mod.
However, tried installing it, it's on.
This is annoying to try to get started with 1 or 2 players as when an infected is picked, you instantly die and map changes. So until friends come on, it's a little annoying.
I take away your //'s to add bots.
The bots only walk straight? They don't act like bots lol.
What's wrong with it?
Public Hacker ListThe context:
My server started picking up players, I check on the reports and conversations at end of day.
I always get 1 or 2 hack reports, but the target declares he's just good. Maybe he is. Since I have no way to verify unless I'm online, It's hard for me to ban them.
What if the community of server owners were able to print/ create a list of confirmed banned hackers that we can add to, and cross reference at any time?
If you were to implement this idea yourself, how would you do it? What caveats would we need to be aware of?