I already know how to create perks icons but how do I change the positions like the infinite warfare ones PLEASE HELP

Tobirama Senjuu
Help with Perk Icons & Positioning -
is there a tutorial on making custom perk icons and custom power up icons?How do you position the icons like Infinite Warfare perk icons??
I do not know if its my launcher or gameHannesC Yeah sorry, update I completely turned off kaspersky for now and tried loading plutonium up and pressed play on bo2 and it still crashed, so it was not Kaspersky also I tried looking up the t6r.dll file and also tried looking up the plutonium bootstrapper on my pc and there was nothing is that a bad sign?
I do not know if its my launcher or gameDss0 is there any chance i can get a video how to do that or you can just please break it down for me
I do not know if its my launcher or gameHannesC in the section Issue: Launcher does not respond when trying to start it (or says MSVCP140.dll is missing):
Solution: Install the following runtimes (also mind the system requirements on top of this post!):
i did that and i tried to launch bo2 again and it still didn't work, is it because of my kaspersky? -
I do not know if its my launcher or gameI need help whenever I press play on bo2 it just crashes with no error report