Ultra__ 1. download the texture toolkit on the plutonium docs.
2. find the .pak decompiler in that toolkit, im not sure if you torrented your game download or not so if so then go to your zone folder then the folder that says all, if you wanted to edit the m1911 for BO2 for example, drag the "base" file into the pak decompiler, open the extracted folder when its finished and find all the .dds files to do with the m1911
3. get whatever editing software you want (i personally use GIMP since its a free alternative to photoshop and you run less of a risk of getting a rat from free download shit on youtube.
4. drag all the skins into whatever editing software you use, add a layer or drag a skin you have already gotten from somewhere else and make sure to re-scale it ontop of the entire skin (make sure to not change the size of the regular m1911 layer or any other gun or else your game will crash)
5. overwrite or save as somewhere that skin - then go to the iwi dds converter in the toolkit, drag the dds you just overwrote or created into it and select the game that it is for.
6. put it in your images folder and enjoy 😄