Hi dude, finally we completed the map and also the super EE after, thanks to made this script

[GSC][ZM]Solo Die Rise (Richtofen) -
[GSC][ZM]Solo Die Rise (Richtofen)znchi we gonna try that !
[GSC][ZM]Solo Die Rise (Richtofen)Hi dude, i have a question about this mod, i was playing with a dude and we cannot complete the elevators step, the lights of the circle never turn on ...
Buried power ups doesn't appeari had a trouble playing buried ( modded for solo richtofen's EE ) i was playing with a dude , we tried to use the Bank for get Max Ammo with Leeroy ( for the infinite round step ) but the power up never appeared ... and we tried to get max ammo completing rounds, but it doesn't worked too ...
Buried solo eeAvena_Sam dude, can you give me the script ? i was lookinf for it a lot of weeks ...
buried ee maxis custommiyagyplay perfecto amigo
buried ee maxis custommiyagyplay aaaaaaaaaah ya ya, ya entendi, fijate que he intentado buscar los mods de buried en solo, pero no los encuentro
buried ee maxis customtengo una duda amigo, ese partida custom es con el mod de Maxis en solo no ?
es que tengo entendido que ese EE se tiene que hacer de 4 jugadores por fuerza