I got banned on Jan 13 because of a cheater in my game. And on the 30th I wanted to test out iw5mvm in lan mode and it still banned me after I tried to restart my launcher. The reason why your confused is because I just now have seen where people can talk about how they have gotten banned and Im just now mentioning about this when I didnt know this was a thing back when I got banned so I just want to see if I can fix what happened since i want to play the game again with friends since it was so much of a fun experience.
banned -
bannedno like i was banned from plutonium not from the server
bannedmy fault, where do you go to do that?
bannedI was playing in a tdm match and there was a cheater in the game and he teleported his whole team next to him and then I got kicked from the match and was banned. i have video proof