Look at the decompiled : \maps\mp\zombies_zm_pers_upgrades_functions.gsc
In bo2 there's a perma perk that gives you the ability to keep perks even after you get downed. (but idk the name)
I think the function is pers_upgrade_perk_lose_restore
You could try to look there in my opinion and adapt the function to your project.
[Zombies] Don't lose perks when being revived -
[Solved] FontString only in spectator HUDHi,
I'm new with gsc modding and i really don't understand a thing atm.
When you are in spectator mode, specting someone, you see his HUD (+ some other things es 3d person etc...).
So if i create some fontString for the player HUD (i.e. a welcome message) even the spectator can see that.
But in my case that's not a problem.
Anyway now i want to create a fontString for the spectator HUD only, is it possible?
Because when i create the message, for the spectator user, it doesn't appear (because he's looking at the current spectating player HUD i think).
And anyway when the player spawn the message will show up, so it's not a problem of the message itself.
In short, Is there a way to edit the spectator's HUD and showing some messages only to them?Thanx
-- Edit
I solved! Just use this property -> message.archived = 0;
Idk why it works but... it works -
How spawn PHD or fonction on all maps ?I think that's not possible. (I'm new to gsc modding)
I'm trying to do that with flopper perma perks (in vanilla game only available in buried).
But it doesnt works because, i'm almost sure, the problem is in .ff files that the game load for that map.
I.E. if you start zm_buried the game will load only certain texture/script files, in wich there's the divetonuke logic and fx.
So if you try to import the script file on another map (i.e. zm_transit) it will crash, because in the .ff files loaded for tranzit the divetonuke script is not included.