Matrix Just found out that redacted crashes when loading the demos when loading the ui_mp.ff and patch_ui_mp.ff. There are two files in pluto called ui, and ui_mp that i bet if we had compiled into ff files and replaced into redacted they would work. Not sure how to compile them into ff files tho.

void hora
Recent updates breaking demos. -
Recent updates breaking demos.Matrix This is understandable and expected, thank you for responding. I would assume editing those strings of data and load sequences to match them to what redacted is expecting would break the demo altogether? If we could find it in the demo file in the first place.
Recent updates breaking demos.After mod tools were added a few months ago, it rendered all demos after that update unplayable in redacted (which is where they need to be opened to be edited). But we could still open new ones in pluto which was good enough for the time being.
After the updates of the past couple days, we now cant open any old demos in pluto at all, even ones from recent. And given that mod tools broke them in redacted, any demo made in the past 3 months is now useless. Cant be opened in redacted or pluto. We either need a fix, or a resource of old patches we can run offline to open the demos