TheHiddenHour It performs the same Save and Load as current, it doesn't respawn you on your saved position, unfortunately.

Respawn on Saved Position Code? -
Respawn on Saved Position Code?TheHiddenHour I'll give it a test, thanks mate.
Respawn on Saved Position Code?Hi,
I have tried different variations and, I must be being stupid, as I can't get it to Respawn on my Saved Location.
Can anyone assist, this is the current code I have for my Save and Load:
if (self.snl == 0) { self iprintln("^5Save and Load Enabled"); self iprintln("Crouch and Press [{+actionslot 2}] To Save"); self iprintln("Crouch and Press [{+actionslot 1}] To Load"); self thread dosaveandload(); self.snl = 1; } else { self iprintln("^1Save and Load Disabled"); self.snl = 0; self notify("SaveandLoad"); }
self endon("disconnect"); self endon("SaveandLoad"); load = 0; for(;;) { if (self actionslottwobuttonpressed() && self GetStance() == "crouch" && self.snl == 1) { self.o = self.origin; self.a = self.angles; load = 1; self iprintln("^5Position Saved"); wait 2; } if (self actionslotonebuttonpressed() && self GetStance() == "crouch" && load == 1 && self.snl == 1) { self setplayerangles(self.a); self setorigin(self.o); } wait 0.05;
Thanks in advance. -
DS4Windows - IW5 Compatibility?yunagz Yeah it does work, my point relates better if you've played BO2 Plutonium; this has controller support already included so sensitivity/scoping/etc is fluid. As you are using controller config, its still as though your using keyboard and mouse controls with a controller overlay.
The sensitivity is the main issue. -
DS4Windows - IW5 Compatibility?yunagz Hi, I have seen this, hence why I said "I know you can use Steam's controller config". Please read my query prior to responding.
DS4Windows - IW5 Compatibility?Hi,
Firstly, I know you can use Steam's controller config for using controllers but it never works correctly and there is always inconsistency's, as there was with IW4x. Is there no way to use DS4Windows (or similar applications) for controllers as these work more or less, exactly as a console would?
Thanks in advance.
[Resource] Trickshotting GSC LIST!frosty The lowered barriers script just causes me instant suicides on Vertigo
[Support] XUID Menu Template?Ducxy Yeah I had a look at both your templates prior to posting this as I haven't touched a GSC file since I used to use my old Jailbreak; I couldn't get the menu to work after I'd added functions and compiled so that's why I was searching for a pre made one with basic functions.
I've taken some time and believe I've managed to get it working with my added functions after using your menu base so I might be all good. -
[Support] XUID Menu Template?ujicos I wasn't looking for that in particular but that will be helpful, many thanks brotha
Connection InterruptedGomus Is it with a server in particular, or any server you connect to?
[Support] XUID Menu Template?Hi,
I was just wondering if there are any available XUID menu that have basic functions in them? (i.e. Save and Load, UFO, etc).I know there are example scripts and a handful of example menu but trying to integrate them into a menu base has not proved effective.
Please note: I am not requesting anyone create one of these as I don't want to waste your time but if you know of one, it would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.