mikey Thank you for your help, gonna try it asap !
My character is slow after a jump in custom games -
My character is slow after a jump in custom gamesHello, I don't understand why but the jump in custom games doesn't work. The gravity is modified and the jump height is low. That's horrible when I want to play Zombies or 1v1. I can't fix it. I've seen in the command "jump_slowdownEnable" I tried to delete this section in the files but it didn't worked, I tried modify the value on 0 but it also didn't work. I tried to download plutonium another time but same results, I don't understand .. please help me !
cant jump in zombies at times?I have the same problem in zombies but also in custom games, it's very annoying I can't jump or my character is slowed down after a jump... I saw in the command section that there is command which says : "jump_slowdownEnable" I can't fix it, even when I go into the files and I delete this section.
I already tried to uninstall the game and download it but it changed nothing, can someone help me ?