casino Thanks

Bo2 non dlc camos -
Bo2 non dlc camoscasino (bad english incoming) yea i know that but i found only 1 non dlc in the all in one texture pack from cahz and thats is the gold camo but nothing more. i want only the non dlc u know ?
Bo2 non dlc camosPistakilla ok do u have maybe some non dlc camos? or maybe someone else? 0_0 i need it xD
Bo2 non dlc camosHi guys is it possible to edit in bo2 the non dlc camos?
[Release] All-In-One Retexture Packomfg this is dope!!! luv it
got banned on a server for no reasonoh sry
i diddnt know that but thanks now i know
got banned on a server for no reasonhi ehm... i got banned on a trickshot server and i dont know why that happend. lol and pls ignore my music and that trickshoting or whatever i try xD here is the video i've recorded (bad english i know)