𓆩✧ Buried - Genshin Reskin ✧𓆪
@eraphine very cool !
It looks very cute..I'll try it..thanks for sharing bro!
@eraphine love the way u colored them but ill remove the candy anime store what files is it
GhostRider0125 and replace it with..
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@eraphine thanks man! sorry for you had to put all this just for a request
hindercanrun nothing
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its gone
rauliscute I still have the map if you want it
FaZe Flick You mind posting a link somewhere? Seems interesting.
FaZe Flick Yeah
FaZe Flick bruh please upload it this shit sounds awesome
twomad , rauliscute , NyxTheNerd the 3 of you dm me on discord, im not posting something on the forums that doesnt belong to me