Hey Staff I need help
Please perm ban me from plutonium im tired of toxic and annoying cross teaming and hacking mofos and my friends ask me to play this game please ban me by all means hwid ip account and others
@darkx239 Just delete your accounts
I need to make sure they have no chance to nag me to play it ban me please
banme420 your account is literally just trolling dude. Injecet a mod menu and you'll get auto banned.
You can just disable the chat and either switch server or play private march but I doubt you crossed a cheater anyways. Most reports are non sense
i have a ton of alts all banned now perm ban me i love hacking i wont stop hacking never gonna give you up still making alts ban ban ban ban
bro just stfu
if you want to get banned
go and inject a mod menu on all of your accounts