[Release] [ZM] Rampage Statue - Based off of Cold Wars Rampage Inducer
Inspired by the Rampage Inducer and the concept from ps9s Rampage Inducer mod (Their download link was broken at the time of making this mod)
I decided to try making one myself.Simply interact near the statues that are located near the spawn locations. All players MUST be near the statue in order for it to activate.
When the statue is activated zombies will run and be given zero respawn delay for a specified amount of rounds (Customizable but default is Round 20)Compiled: https://github.com/techboy04/RampageStatue-T6Zombies/blob/main/rampagestatue.gsc
Source: https://github.com/techboy04/RampageStatue-T6Zombies/blob/main/rampagestatue_sourcecode.gsc -
didnt even know the link was broken hahah , been gone for awhile but i'll update the link soon lad
hindercanrunreplied to RyhHD on Dec 3, 2022, 2:36 AM last edited by hindercanrun Dec 3, 2022, 4:36 AM
@Alukardd when you fix ur download link, can I use it in my bo2 mod?
(you will get credit of course) -
hindercanrun Fixed link btw, go for it
New Update
This mod has been updated with changes found in TechnoOps Collection
Changes include:
- Added a vote menu
- The maps wonder weapons will not be rewarded (Origins will cycle staffs)
- Fixed broken text near statue