[Support] help with script ..
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@Snoopy__ Bad syntax is what's going on with your script. Use Visual Studio Code with COD sense plugin to fix your script. Notepad or notepad++ is not recommended.
Thank you very much for your answer.. but since I don't have knowledge in gsc.. (a friend of discord created it) ...your answer is not useful to me).. thanks in the same way.. ... what I need It is that someone does not correct for me.
Nope . Apparently you are confused.. There is no syntax error..because the script works for other codes..I don't know where I get that there is a syntax error..but no. .what happens is that in bo2 the dvar fx_enable does not exist .. -
@Snoopy__ Your script looked messy when I first looked at it and fx_enable does work and I added more dvars that work for an fps boost.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); setDvar( "r_fog", 0 ); setDvar( "fx_enable", 0 ); } onPlayerConnect() { level endon( "end_game" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); for (;;) { level waittill( "connected", player ); player setClientDvar( "r_forceLod", 3 ); player setClientDvar( "r_dlightlimit", 0 ); player setClientDvar( "r_drawWater", 0 ); player setClientDvar( "r_ssao", 0 ); player setClientDvar( "sm_enable", 0 ); } }
Also your #include was wrong
Thanks a lot ..! -
for some reason they don't deactivate "fx" ..