| MAP | Wasteland from MW2
You the best man
@Sexy-kora you da best
@Aka_Curtis How to insert map into game?
John_Brody For any map you just drag the folder inside the .zip, the map folder in
John_Brody I'm very sorry I forgot to put that info in the posts
Thank you Resxt for responding to him!
Resxt said in | MAP | Wasteland from MW2:
I can't find the files. Are they on Plutonium Launcher or inside of game file(Modern Warfare 3)?
John_Brody open Windows start menu, paste
if usermaps don't exist create it -
Nice map port, but it seems like the sun is showing through everything.
Xerxes I'll fix that when I get home and make a new post I think
Thank you, can also just update this topic as its already linked in the list of custom maps Fry made?
Xerxes I have to report the map, since I lost all the files
I had it fixed, must of forgot to upload the files
Thanks for porting all of these. I think the only ones missing from MW2 (at least that come to mind) are Quarry and Rundown? Two of my favorites, would love to be able to play them in MW3.
Tifosi 92 I have both on my disk but they have crash issues which is the reason why we don't have them available I believe
Resxt I was aware of the crashes on Rundown but not on Quarry
Tifosi 92 I ported most of quarry, If I can find the files I'll send em as a reply
- Fixed sun material from shining through any surface!
Download link has been updated in original post!
undefined Fry referenced this topic on
This post is deleted!
@Aka_Curtis Dude, the link is down or smoething happend with it
Dragoniusc476 Hmm, I'll look into it!
uhh can i get a new link its still broke lol