CS:GO dust2 map
Resxt Thank you for the CS:GO maps. The map Raid ported from CoD-OL is very nice and I'll take mp_bo2_town, mp_bo2carrier, Standoff and Overpass
Resxt The camo being weird is actually caused by the reflection probes not being ported properly. All CoD4 had the same issue when they were first ported
Bubbles Have all CoD4 custom maps been ported to IW5 already? Iw4x has a good amount of CoD4 maps already ported.
RedxSkull I don't know if all CoD4 maps have been ported. Especially not user created ones. Artyx ported a lot of maps and I'm not sure which ones he finished and which ones he didn't
Bubbles Oh ok, I've seen a lot of his ports and they all came out great. Especially the COD:OL ports.
RedxSkull I think artyx was one of the best with porting maps
Resxt I appreciate it
Resxt Is it actually possible to remaster the graphics of Bo2/zombies maps?
aalshaij no idea, I don't port maps
GhostRider0125 Ok so I have the best solution. If you know how to port iw4x maps to iw5 than it is jackpot for you. It's remastered Csgo version.
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Resxt can you please upload all cs maps