Can't join any server
I cant seem be able to join any server, in server browser and in custom games with friends, it times me out, ty for you patience.
Kemeshi how long does it take for your pc to load a map?
are any of your friends not able to load it either?, sometimes i find myself in a server thats just ended and while restarting with someone with bad ping it wont start and kicks everyone out. also maybe add more information like your connection or error logs maybe.
Dss0 a pretty long time I'll be honest, I did think maybe it's the cause, but yet again it works from time to time, also will I have a better chance if I don't use hamachi and discord?
Kemeshi you have 90s to connect to a server so if your internet and/or disk is so bad that it takes more than that it will fail to connect on time.
- Connect to server with low ping
- Fix your internet (use ethernet instead of wifi for example)
- If your game is on an HDD then move it to an SSD. If you can't then defrag that HDD
my game wont join any servers and my load time is less than 15 secs