[Release] [Zombies] Director's Cut
teh_bandit hey I was playing town, and after I hit the box a few times the game takes away all my guns, is that something with the mod
Parcheys It's a bug, it occurs but often rare.
Thank you soo much for allowing me to be extremely shit but still have fun
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_jamesbauer_ I made it, read the bottom of my release notes here lol (or my github)
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How can i remove the automatically pack a punched weapons from mystery box function?
I want everything in the script except having the weapons automatically pack a punched. sadly i cant edit the file code because it is shown in some strange language
teh_bandit is there a script that only adds the wonder weapons to the box?
teh_bandit Hey, would it be possible for you to make a version of this where the box weapons aren't upgraded? I tried but idk how to do gsc files. (If you would, could you do the same for BO1? If you dont do either, thats fine.)
teh_bandit hello, i dont know how to delete specifific scripts, i just want this scripts, somebody can help me?
-All buildable wonder weapons added to box
-Upgraded Sliquifier added
-Special weapons no longer limited to one player -
undefined HOOKEEL referenced this topic on
Hey man loved both mods I just want to ask if you could do a version of this mod for waw if it isn't too difficult?
I guess this mod could be considered like a Strat Tester.
teh_bandit After i put on your mod my zombie game start and crash 1 to 2 minutes after it started
I took off the mods and it works well, do I have a problem ?
Thank you -
MyBadiKilledYou said in [Release] [Zombies] Director's Cut:
How can i remove the automatically pack a punched weapons from mystery box function?
I want everything in the script except having the weapons automatically pack a punched. sadly i cant edit the file code because it is shown in some strange language
i made this one. just save as .gsc and put in the scripts folder.
#include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; #include maps\mp_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm_hud_message; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_weapons; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_score; init() { level.player_starting_points = 25000; level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onplayerspawned(); } } onplayerspawned() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); self giveweapon("raygun_mark2_zm"); self switchtoweapon("raygun_mark2_zm"); self takeweapon(self get_player_lethal_grenade()); self set_player_lethal_grenade("sticky_grenade_zm"); self giveweapon(self get_player_lethal_grenade()); self setweaponammoclip(self get_player_lethal_grenade(), 4); } }
i know this is kind of cheating but i love this mod it's just art
any way to disable some things specifically? like instantly getting all perks?