Infinite warfare zombies on plutonium???
I was wondering if there will ever be plutonium for IW or B03 I love the maps for IW and B03 zombies but don't wanna pay money for it and every download link I find doesn't work would love for this to happen!
oek There is iw7-mod (incomplete) for Infinite Warfare, and boiii for BO3. Both require you to own the game on Steam. Also, these clients aren't just for getting the games for free, that is an added bonus
oek Basically, this is your response. "Me Only Want Free Games Men..." These clients were made to improve the game and security. Quit being cheap and buy Bo3 or IW7. It's going to be on sale soon. If your jobless then go do some yardwork or something productive. I've had a job since I was 14. Don't pull that, I can't get a job excuse.
Btw, I don't think Infinite Warfare or BO3 will ever be releasing from as far as I can tell. I don't think it will EVER be for Plutonium, just a heads up.
Bubbles There is a iw7 project going on can you send me the github or the website plz?
appleisking It's easy to find. I literally said the name of the client. Just look up iw7-mod GitHub on google. Also keep in mind I said you need to own the game on Steam to play