[ZM][RELEASE] Shi no numa first box + timer + movement speed patch
AlexInVrwrote on Aug 7, 2022, 6:33 PM last edited by AlexInVr Feb 3, 2023, 10:34 PM
Again, another First box patch by your fav waw modder
This release adds a timer synchronized with the game without the need for external software
it also fixes the movement speed to be the same as console
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; //First Box by twitch.tv/AlexInVR init() { replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons::treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon, ::custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon); replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons::treasure_chest_weapon_spawn, ::custom_treasure_chest_weapon_spawn); replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons_sumpf::treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon, ::custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon); replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons_sumpf::treasure_chest_weapon_spawn, ::custom_treasure_chest_weapon_spawn); replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode::round_think, ::custom_round_think); thread onConnect(); } onConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } custom_round_think() { for( ;; ) { level.round_spawn_func = maps\_zombiemode::round_spawning; ////////////////////////////////////////// //designed by prod DT#36173 maxreward = 50 * level.round_number; if ( maxreward > 500 ) maxreward = 500; level.zombie_vars["rebuild_barrier_cap_per_round"] = maxreward; ////////////////////////////////////////// level.round_timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_round_time"]; add_later_round_spawners(); maps\_zombiemode::chalk_one_up(); // round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_BEGIN" ); maps\_zombiemode_powerups::powerup_round_start(); players = get_players(); array_thread( players, maps\_zombiemode_blockers::rebuild_barrier_reward_reset ); level thread maps\_zombiemode::award_grenades_for_survivors(); level.round_start_time = getTime(); level thread [[level.round_spawn_func]](); level notify("start_of_round"); maps\_zombiemode::round_wait(); level.first_round = false; level notify("end_of_round"); level thread maps\_zombiemode::spectators_respawn(); // round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_END" ); level thread maps\_zombiemode::chalk_round_hint(); wait( level.zombie_vars["zombie_between_round_time"] ); // here's the difficulty increase over time area timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"]; if( timer < 0.08 ) { timer = 0.08; } level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = timer * 0.95; // Increase the zombie move speed level.zombie_move_speed = level.round_number * 8; level.round_number++; level notify( "between_round_over" ); } } custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon(player) { if (level.round_number <= 15){ if (!(player HasWeapon("tesla_gun"))){ return "tesla_gun"; } if (!(player HasWeapon("zombie_ppsh"))){ return "zombie_ppsh"; } } else { keys = GetArrayKeys( level.zombie_weapons ); // Filter out any weapons the player already has filtered = []; for( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ ) { if( player HasWeapon( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } //chrisP - make sure the chest doesn't give the player a bouncing betty if(keys[i] == "mine_bouncing_betty") { continue; } // PI_CHANGE_BEGIN if( isDefined(level.script) && level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf") { //make sure box moves once before allowing ray gun to be accessed. if( level.box_moved == false ) { if( keys[i] == "ray_gun" ) { continue; } } } // PI_CHANGE_END if( !IsDefined( keys[i] ) ) continue; filtered[filtered.size] = keys[i]; } // PI_CHANGE_BEGIN - adjusting the percentages of the ray gun and tesla gun showing up if( isDefined(level.script) && level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf" ) { if( level.box_moved == true ) { if( !(player HasWeapon( "ray_gun" )) ) { // increase the percentage of ray gun if( isDefined( level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun ) ) { // after 12 pulls the ray gun percentage increases to 15% if( level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun > 11 ) { // calculate the number of times we have to add it to the array to get the desired percent number_to_add = .15 * filtered.size; for(i=1; i<number_to_add; i++) { filtered[filtered.size] = "ray_gun"; } } // after 8 pulls the Ray Gun percentage increases to 10% else if( level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun > 7 ) { // calculate the number of times we have to add it to the array to get the desired percent number_to_add = .1 * filtered.size; for(i=1; i<number_to_add; i++) { filtered[filtered.size] = "ray_gun"; } } } } } // increase the percentage of tesla gun if( isDefined( level.pulls_since_last_tesla_gun ) ) { // player has dropped the tesla for another weapon, so we set all future polls to 20% if( isDefined(level.player_drops_tesla_gun) && level.player_drops_tesla_gun == true ) { // calculate the number of times we have to add it to the array to get the desired percent number_to_add = .2 * filtered.size; for(i=1; i<number_to_add; i++) { filtered[filtered.size] = "tesla_gun"; } } // player has not seen tesla gun in late rounds if( !isDefined(level.player_seen_tesla_gun) || level.player_seen_tesla_gun == false ) { // after round 10 the Tesla gun percentage increases to 20% if( level.round_number > 10 ) { // calculate the number of times we have to add it to the array to get the desired percent number_to_add = .2 * filtered.size; for(i=1; i<number_to_add; i++) { filtered[filtered.size] = "tesla_gun"; } } // after round 5 the Tesla gun percentage increases to 15% else if( level.round_number > 5 ) { // calculate the number of times we have to add it to the array to get the desired percent number_to_add = .15 * filtered.size; for(i=1; i<number_to_add; i++) { filtered[filtered.size] = "tesla_gun"; } } } } } // PI_CHANGE_END // Filter out the limited weapons if( IsDefined( level.limited_weapons ) ) { keys2 = GetArrayKeys( level.limited_weapons ); players = get_players(); for( q = 0; q < keys2.size; q++ ) { count = 0; for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( players[i] HasWeapon( keys2[q] ) ) { count++; } // check for last stand weapons that might not be on the player at the time if (players[i] maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand()) { for( m = 0; m < players[i].weaponInventory.size; m++ ) { if (players[i].weaponInventory[m] == keys2[q]) { count++; } } } } if( count == level.limited_weapons[keys2[q]] ) { filtered = array_remove( filtered, keys2[q] ); } } } return filtered[RandomInt( filtered.size )]; } } custom_treasure_chest_weapon_spawn( chest, player ) { assert(IsDefined(player)); // spawn the model model = spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); model.angles = self.angles +( 0, 90, 0 ); floatHeight = 40; //move it up model moveto( model.origin +( 0, 0, floatHeight ), 3, 2, 0.9 ); // rotation would go here // make with the mario kart modelname = undefined; rand = undefined; for( i = 0; i < 40; i++ ) { if( i < 20 ) { wait( 0.05 ); } else if( i < 30 ) { wait( 0.1 ); } else if( i < 35 ) { wait( 0.2 ); } else if( i < 38 ) { wait( 0.3 ); } rand = custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon( player ); /# if( maps\_zombiemode_tesla::tesla_gun_exists() ) { if ( i == 39 && GetDvar( "scr_spawn_tesla" ) != "" ) { SetDvar( "scr_spawn_tesla", "" ); rand = "tesla_gun"; } } #/ modelname = GetWeaponModel( rand ); model setmodel( modelname ); } self.weapon_string = rand; // here's where the org get it's weapon type for the give function // random change of getting the joker that moves the box random = Randomint(100); //increase the chance of joker appearing from 0-100 based on amount of the time chest has been opened. if(level.script != "nazi_zombie_prototype" && getdvar("magic_chest_movable") == "1") { if(level.chest_accessed < 4) { // PI_CHANGE_BEGIN - JMA - RandomInt(100) can return a number between 0-99. If it's zero and chance_of_joker is zero // we can possibly have a teddy bear one after another. chance_of_joker = -1; // PI_CHANGE_END } else { chance_of_joker = level.chest_accessed + 20; // PI_CHANGE_BEGIN - JMA if( isDefined(level.script) && level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf" ) { // make sure teddy bear appears on the 8th pull if it hasn't moved from the attic if( (!isDefined(level.magic_box_first_move) || level.magic_box_first_move == false ) && level.chest_accessed >= 8) { chance_of_joker = 100; } // pulls 4 thru 8, there is a 15% chance of getting the teddy bear // NOTE: this happens in all cases if( level.chest_accessed >= 4 && level.chest_accessed < 8 ) { if( random < 15 ) { chance_of_joker = 100; } else { chance_of_joker = -1; } } // after the first magic box move the teddy bear percentages changes if( isDefined(level.magic_box_first_move) && level.magic_box_first_move == true ) { // between pulls 8 thru 12, the teddy bear percent is 30% if( level.chest_accessed >= 8 && level.chest_accessed < 13 ) { if( random < 30 ) { chance_of_joker = 100; } else { chance_of_joker = -1; } } // after 12th pull, the teddy bear percent is 50% if( level.chest_accessed >= 13 ) { if( random < 50 ) { chance_of_joker = 100; } else { chance_of_joker = -1; } } } } // PI_CHANGE_END } if (random <= chance_of_joker) { model SetModel("zombie_teddybear"); // model rotateto(level.chests[level.chest_index].angles, 0.01); //wait(1); model.angles = self.angles; wait 1; flag_set("moving_chest_now"); level.chest_accessed = 0; player maps\_zombiemode_score::add_to_player_score( 950 ); //allow power weapon to be accessed. level.box_moved = true; } } self notify( "randomization_done" ); if (flag("moving_chest_now")) { wait .5; // we need a wait here before this notify level notify("weapon_fly_away_start"); wait 2; model MoveZ(500, 4, 3); model waittill("movedone"); model delete(); self notify( "box_moving" ); level notify("weapon_fly_away_end"); } else { //turn off power weapon, since player just got one if( rand == "tesla_gun" || rand == "ray_gun" ) { // PI_CHANGE_BEGIN - JMA - reset the counters for tesla gun and ray gun pulls if( isDefined( level.script ) && level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf" ) { if( rand == "ray_gun" ) { level.box_moved = false; level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun = 0; } if( rand == "tesla_gun" ) { level.pulls_since_last_tesla_gun = 0; level.player_seen_tesla_gun = true; } } else { level.box_moved = false; } // PI_CHANGE_END } model thread timer_til_despawn(floatHeight); self waittill( "weapon_grabbed" ); if( !chest.timedOut ) { model Delete(); } } } timer_til_despawn(floatHeight) { // SRS 9/3/2008: if we timed out, move the weapon back into the box instead of deleting it putBackTime = 12; self MoveTo( self.origin - ( 0, 0, floatHeight ), putBackTime, ( putBackTime * 0.5 ) ); wait( putBackTime ); if(isdefined(self)) { self Delete(); } } game_timer() { hud = create_simple_hud( self ); hud.foreground = true; hud.sort = 1; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.alignX = "left"; hud.alignY = "top"; hud.horzAlign = "user_left"; hud.vertAlign = "user_top"; hud.x = hud.x - -700; hud.y = hud.y + 35; hud.alpha = 1; flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); hud setTimerUp(1); } round_timer() { timerHud = create_simple_hud( self ); timerHud.foreground = true; timerHud.sort = 1; timerHud.hidewheninmenu = true; timerHud.alignX = "left"; timerHud.alignY = "top"; timerHud.horzAlign = "user_left"; timerHud.vertAlign = "user_top"; timerHud.x = timerHud.x - -700; timerHud.y = timerHud.y + 45; timerHud.color = (1, 0, 0); timerHud.alpha = 1; flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); for (;;){ start_time = GetTime() / 1000; timerHud setTimerUp(0); level waittill("end_of_round"); end_time = GetTime() / 1000; time = end_time - start_time; set_time_frozen(timerHud, time); } } set_time_frozen(hud, time) { level endon("start_of_round"); time = time - 0.1; while(1) { hud settimer(time); wait(0.5); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); for( ;; ) { level waittill( "connected", player ); self thread game_timer(); self thread round_timer(); self SetClientDvars( "player_backSpeedScale", "1", "player_strafeSpeedScale", "1"); wait 3; self IPrintLnBold("First box patch by ^1twitch.tv/^2AlexInVR"); } level waittill( "connected", player ); }
pic of what it looks like upon spawning in the game.
Hey can you maybe make one without the first box patch?
And how do i add this code to the game?
UPDATE: 2/3/2023 3:34PM
Implemented timer in a better way to make sure the game stays stable
Implemented round timer
@frost_EU I will update the post with a no first box version
AlexInVr i know this is quite old but how do i add this to my game?
how do i add the script to the game
Cam Out2u Open notepad, copy paste the text into Notepad, click "save as", name it patch.gsc
press windows + r on your keyboard, a box will appear, type in %LOCALAPPDATA%, search for a folder named plutonium, then you wanna go to storage ---> t4 --> raw ---> scripts ----> sp ----> and then you want to create a folder named nazi_zombie_sumpf
drop the patch.gsc file in the folder and launch your game
how can i get the reset tracker like in the first pic?
does first box patch no longer work? Isn't working for me but timer and backspeed is. Also where can i get the wonder waff skin and zombie skin you got in the pics?
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