Could not verify ticket for user with id 3650082: expired
Could someone help please? I'm trying to join my server, but I get this error in console:
Could not verify ticket "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" for user with id 3650082: expired`
Nabi2000 Make sure the clock is synced on your server.
Eldor How?
It worked, thank you! but my server doesn't show up on the list. I can join it through the command, but it doesn't show on list Any idea what the issue could be?
Resxt This is my portforwarding:
A friend of mine was able to see the server on their end, but I can't see it on my end.
Nabi2000 then just join through connect localhost or whatever. It's just NAT loopback not being supported on your router it's no big deal