Is plutonium launcher open source?
i wanted to ask this because im interested in giving cod3 a try like trying to add it to the plutonium launcher if i can and if i can then prepare a server to then give u guys the final version if i adchieve the crack with online.
No. We don't take client contributions. All clients, save for GH3, use our bootstrapper.
OK i guess that if i want to make plutonium compatible with cod3 im goona have to edit the css code, jss and use an HEX editor too to make a custom "modification" version and i guess i can add it because i already added cod3 to the launcher game list with a hex editor i maybe could do it completly
david38484884 yea nah, that's not how it works. You would need the pluto source code, you can't just hook up another game to our infrastructure with css edits lol.