My first gun skin, Arizona Iced Tea themed AN94
I recently learned how to make custom skins, and this is my first attempt. It seemed like a great idea in my head, but in the end I think it came out a bit too bright and flashy, and most of the decals on it are hard to see normally. Regardless I have been enjoying running around with it, so here ya go if anyone likes it :D!Download Link:
This is a little title card I made for it. Please excuse the crusty logo.
Here is the model in Substance Painter.
I think it really shines in 3rd person as opposed to 1st person. -
bro that looks nice
looks nice
GhostRider0125wrote on Jul 27, 2023, 2:01 AM last edited by GhostRider0125 Jul 27, 2023, 5:01 AM
awesome man well made
thats nice -
dime que funciona para el zombies , gran trabajo
looks so goofy i love it XD
this is fire ngl bruh. make some more tyy shii
this has to be one of the best modded skins for this platform.
most of the skins are usually garbage & low effort, this defo shines thru.
Good job