T4/waw Crash issue
Hello i love playing waw/T4 but the main issue is the Crashes
When i play waw there is allways a moment where the game freezes i tried searching why this happens but my results are nothing i woud be happy if someone explains how to fix
Thanks and peace️
Make sure your game is in windowed borderless.
Old CODs don't handle fullscreen well, it's even more true for WAW -
Resxt Hello i will test that on zombies because it happens more offen in Verruckt i will respond with the results
Resxt is correct on this one. Your connection will time out if you alt tab out while in full screen. -
Resxt hello so i was playing verruckt and i was at round 10 on co-op and it worked thx but its really wierd to play like that but it can be ignored peace
GRIMM_REAPER-__- how is that weird? This is the same as fullscreen except that you can alt tab without having the game crash. Note the importance of the word borderless in windowed borderless