Black Ops 2 wont start
When i try to launch my black ops 2 game from pluto, it takes me to the cmd promt and gives me
"Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_mp
[STEAM] 1 calls ready, running...
[STEAM] running call 1
Plutonium r3641 >"
and doesnt go past that, I was playing it fine last night too.
MW3 plays just fine.
purchased BO2 from steam. -
try to reinstall the game and since ur bo2 is on steam try to verify the integrity of the game files
I tried that but it unfortunately didn't work
Can you try to start the game once through steam?
Do you have anything that tries to hook directx? -
Xerxes Black ops 2 opens fine through steam, just not through plutonium.
How do i check that?