server does not appear in the list
I'm trying to create a server, but it doesn't appear in the list of servers, I've already opened the ports on my router and it still doesn't appear
If you want to get help, I suggest you post a little bit more details. It's a shot in the dark based on the little information you shared, provided it is accurate in the first place.
You not seeing your own server, if you host on the same machine you play, can be normal
Resxt FutureRave
Heartbeat appears successful, but neither me nor my friends see the server in the list -
badbug you need to provide some info. We have no idea what the context is etc.
Means something is blocking most likely. Port rule wrong or firewall etc -
Resxt It could really be that my ports are blocked, my NAT on plutonium is open. (I don't know if the NAT being open has a connection with the released ports)
I did everything in the tutorial you provide to create a server, but I still can't create it.
sorry for my english
badbug NAT is for the game. Not the server
If your friends can't see it with a different internet connection it either means you can't host one at all since you don't have a public IP or you did meme up somewhere and the traffic never reaches your server in the first place.
Xerxes Resxt FutureRave My IP is probably not public, thank you very much for your attention