New Server Menu Controversy
pedepoiss no.
pedepoiss said in New Server Menu Controversy:
is online matchmaking and playlists coming to plutonium like it was on console back in the days without the servers list?
Not enough players to support it.
Mr. Android how many players are the bare minimum to support it and if the number is achived, will it even be implomented?
pedepoiss it is better to just use the server browser as there is really no point to even have the matching making stuff to work why do that when you can do the exact same thing in a server that is in the server browser.
pedepoiss I don't really understand why matchmaking is necessary. Do you really want some random guy with terrible internet who might not even be on the same continent as you hosting? At least with dedicated servers you can generally choose your ping unless you want to play a specific server.
Can someone explain how you can make the servers menu show up after closing it to set up your classes? It seems everytime I close that menu I have to re-open the game for it to show up.
vidz F10 or the home button.
JezuzLizard its not necessary, im just curious cuz this shit used to be one of the funniest and best parts about the game. Talking with random dickheads and chatting and making jokes was hella fun and its a part of the game unlike the server system. No hate!! just a personal opinion :3
Ami does not let me enter any server
Dss0 Hey thanks man it worked I really apreciate it .
definitively could default to Sort By Lowest Ping first on every loadup of the server list window- tired of pressing sort every time; not to mention the exposure the servers gets to high ping noobs who join when only seeing the game in the higher rounds