Hello I need help as soon as I start BO2 I always get this error message. Can someone help me? would be very nice
Launcher Support
Have you tried this?
Go to C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Plutonium
Delete everything inside.
Delete your old plutonium.exe
Download a clean one from here: https://plutonium.pw/docs/install/
Run it.It will download all the necessary files needed for Plutonium.
Slug Licker doesn't work where can I download the bo2 file?
I think that's a file for Modern Warfare 3, not Black Ops 2. Have you set the path in Plutonium to the correct game? iw5 is mw3. t6 is black ops 2.
Slug Licker I don't understand anything else, would you like to give me some quick help?
rerazy23 no help for pirates. Buy the game on steam.
undefined Pistakilla locked this topic on
rerazy23 really? A third time you ask the same question?