Animated Camos V2.0 [ZM]
hey i dont know why but it didnt work i followed the instructions that are on the post but regardless , the camos didnt appear anyone can help me?
I am a little bit confused. I landed here because I wanted to fix the CZ75 Game crash bug and I do not want any camos. So what should I install and drop in what kind of folder?
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Bone Crusher where i can find your camo pack?
so i have the animated camos on the wonder weapons and i want the regular guns to not have a animated camo but when they get paped they have animated pap camo and i cant find anything that helps me figure this out
Kesan19 change the showcamo file to black
for some reason when ever i try to play any map other than five the game crashes and gives me an error, i've been trying for hours to fix this could you help me in any way ? ty
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Bone Crusher what do i do with the ff patch files that are listed with the map names
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Bone Crusher is there a way to turn of the glowing on the gloves and make them skeleton hands pure white
VodkaAt3Am yeah same as any other camo
Bone Crusher is there a way to make the gloves not glow at all
Bone Crusher mind i ask how do you install the misty gloves also in one video i saw a 1911 with the pornhub logo and is wondering if you have it
Otoka downloading this mod?
what is the file name for the gloves i want to change the color
this looks horrid, why would you do this?
P0p3y3 cause the rainbow gloves look like trash lmao rather have them white