Editing Class Stats.
This post is something I wanted to wait to post but decided against it due to time, and stress. I want to preface the first part of information will be pretty much be usable for trickshotters only.
This is a method I found on BO1 (I can make a post about it on the BO1 forums if people would like.) and BO2 alike, it allows you to edit the class stats for public match and private match; ranked match too, but to my knowledge we do not use this gamemode. I'm only including what is useful, so if you're sitting here saying "well what about this!" -- I will ignore you.
The Method goes as followed.
/statWriteDDL {type} customclass {class number} {slot} {item number}
Type: The type is what determines if it's used for servers or custom games. It can be set to
, use CACLoadouts for servers, CustomMatchCACLoadouts for private match.Class Number: The Class Number is your
class number minus 1
, with that being said1 - 1 = 0
and2 - 1 = 1
and ... so on, so forth.Slot: The Slot is what determines where the item number is written to, it can be set to
.Item Number: The item number is what determines what is written to the class slot. Here you can find a shortened version of the stats table with the index of each weapon and equipment.
/statWriteDDL CACLoadouts customclass 0 Secondary 42
sets the secondary of class1 to the ballista. -