[ZM] #1 Tentha's Reflective Rainbow Texture Pack
you forgor the remington
@Tentha where do you put all this? Is it all together or is it folder by folder?
This post is deleted!
@Tentha can you add the MP5 from town, possible other weapons as well like the HMR and AN from buried?
@Tentha Hello friend, I don't know if you will continue answering in the middle of 2023, but I still want to ask, isn't there a way to only have the improved ones? I already have one but it does not contain improved ones.
@Tentha i understand the raygun, 1911, raygun mk2, but why all?
L@bt is the King Midas of g@y ruining my favorite game.
The only thing ruining these games are people like you that complain about 100% optional and free stuff where they would have to get out of their ways to even see it in-game as it is client sided only and that assume that every single rainbow directly means "gay people" which to their eyes is a valid reason to spread hatred online.
Well if someone has it, I can try doing something...
Why is this still here if the post was deleted?
If you want I think I still have most of the original files there is a lot of them so I used this to learn some file names but they should all be there
"I would appreciate it if you could upload them or share the link. Thank you!"
Why did you put it in quotation marks anyway here it should be the original zip https://www.mediafire.com/folder/977fryr7rumkc/TenthaTexturePack
Thanks a lot, bro.