[ZM] Custom Wallguns
smilesmile1234 I updated the post to include installation instructions.
i trying to install the mod but i cant buy the gun, those guns appears but i cant buy it
@Hercules2048 i don't know when i train a full spawn of zombies up i can make 3 or 4 thousand just off 24 i found myself quickly overpowered when buying upgraded galil ammo and mustang and sally than buying a new weapon from the box then packa punching it i think certain guns that are more op should have challenges completed like 300 headshots before the wall gun is buyable ya know some sort of challenge not like the rounds get hard until past 30
so, when creating custom wall buys for the other maps, they donβt allow players to purchase the ammo/ weapon. is there a fix for that im missing in the code?
appreciate the reply if i get one. -
@Hercules2048 can I make a request to make a topic to showcase my presets in your custom wallguns? I will credit you along with my preset creations.
hey man can you make two for moon put dual wield czs 1500 points near power area or in biodome
and specter 1000 points in right side power above the stairs
and hs 10 1100 points somewhere idk
and L96A1 1800 points in spawn room
and famas 1600 or 2000 points behind pap or in biodome somewhere risky
and put them somewhere in shangri la if its not to much to ask -
This post is deleted!
Every map with custom guns except for moon/shang
You can also download here Custom Wallguns.GSC Download
Once you have the gsc put it in Local\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\sp\zom if you're running a server
if solo put the script in the folder to the corresponding map.#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; ////// ////// CUSTOM WALLGUNS BY HERCULES#8024 ////// ////// "Five"/Ascension/COTD Presets by IceHot#3232 (but not a supporter of HERCULES#8024 though) ////// Check out the original mod if you haven't yet (or downloaded it on my forum): https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/27796/zm-custom-wallguns?_=1687210456052 ////// ////// SPECIAL THANKS TO Pistakilla#5053 AND shippuden1592#9641 FOR POINTERS AND EXPLANATIONS ////// ////// THIS IS MY FIRST PUBLIC SCRIPT AND I HAVE TESTED IT EXTENSIVELY, IT SHOULD JUST WORK. ////// ////// Ammo cost is calculated by doing gun_cost*0.5 . Upgraded ammo cost is calculated by doing 5000*0.5 (5000 is a placeholder and might be replaced with a better solution) ////// These calculations are done automatically by using the base price which is set by whoever edits this file. ////// To get coordinates to set your own custom wallguns, just go into a single player game and do notarget and then noclip to the exact spot and do viewpos in console. ////// Doing this will give you the X Y Z cords along with pitch and yaw in the console window. ////// You can find more weapon names here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1863755475 // ////// To find out where IceHot#3232 placed the guns at... do "setviewpos x, y, z" - next to the "custom_wallgun(" init() { //Base Maps if(level.script == "zombie_theater") //Kino Der Toten { level thread custom_wallgun( (113, 1895, 44),(0, 180, 0), "Galil", 1800 , "galil_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-288, -520, 308),(0, 0, 0), "Ballistic Knife", 1200 , "knife_ballistic_zm" ); // ballistic knife level thread custom_wallgun( (-1750, 666, 59),(0, 90, 0), "HK-21", 7500 , "hk21_zm" ); // A sniper rifle in alleyway level thread custom_wallgun( (0, 932, -40),(0, 180, 0), "Thundergun", 25000 , "thundergun_zm" ); // below podium in cinema, replicates the PS version. level thread custom_wallgun( (180, -470, 380),(0, -90, 0), "Raygun", 15000 , "ray_gun_zm" ); // raygun in pap room level thread custom_wallgun( (1694, -131, 296),(0, 90, 0), "SPAS-12", 2250 , "spas_zm" ); // raygun in pap room } else if(level.script == "zombie_pentagon") //"Five" { level thread custom_wallgun( (-225, 2057, 76),(0, 90, 0), "Raygun", 17500 , "ray_gun_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-1080, 3065, 76),(0, 90, 0), "Ballistic Knife", 1500 , "knife_ballistic_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-1450, 1668, -452),(0, 271, 0), "Spectre", 1100 , "spectre_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-1972, 1868, -452),(0, 0, 0), "Winter's Howl", 12500 , "freezegun_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-1060, 2599, -244),(0, 199, 0), "FAMAS", 1500 , "famas_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-1386, 3464, -653),(0, 263, 0), "L96A1", 3250 , "l96a1_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-1187, 5044, -653),(0, 90, 0), "SPAS-12", 1700 , "spas_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-87, 4776, -653),(0, 90, 0), "G11", 1200 , "g11_lps_zm" ); // Galil } //WaW Maps else if(level.script == "zombie_cod5_prototype") //Nacht Der Untoten { level thread custom_wallgun( (-204, 172, 200),(0, 90, 0), "Raygun", 12500 , "ray_gun_zm" ); // Galil } else if(level.script == "zombie_cod5_asylum") //Verruckt { level thread custom_wallgun( (-764, -14, 276),(0, 180, 0), "Winter's Howl", 12500 , "freezegun_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (847, 378, 302),(0, 90, 0), "Raygun", 12500 , "ray_gun_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-770, -107, 134),(0, 90, 0), "Galil", 2250 , "galil_zm" ); // Galil } else if(level.script == "zombie_cod5_sumpf") //Shi No Numa { level thread custom_wallgun( (9107, 2480, -647),(0, 90, 0), "Wunderwaffe", 30000 , "tesla_gun_zm" ); // Tesla level thread custom_wallgun( (7878, 21, -658),(0, 101, 0), "Commando", 1800 , "commando_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (11054, 3405, -606),(0, 30, 0), "HK-21", 3750 , "hk21_zm" ); // A sniper rifle in alleyway } else if(level.script == "zombie_cod5_factory") //Der Riese { level thread custom_wallgun( (1369, 355, 110),(0, 0, 0), "Wunderwaffe", 35000 , "tesla_gun_zm" ); // Tesla level thread custom_wallgun( (636, -1463, 124),(0, 101, 0), "Commando", 1800 , "commando_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-264, -2346, 205),(0, 180, 0), "Raygun", 12500 , "ray_gun_zm" ); // Galil } //DlC else if(level.script == "zombie_cosmodrome") //Ascension (-24/-15) { level thread custom_wallgun( (-694, 984, -62),(0, 360, 0), "CZ-75", 900 , "cz75_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-1713, 1493, 65),(-30, 0, 0), "MP40", 1500 , "mp40_zm" ); // MP40 near lander level thread custom_wallgun( (-1036, 516, -148),(0, 270, 0), "Thundergun", 27500 , "thundergun_zm" ); // MP40 near door level thread custom_wallgun( (345, 321, -244),(0, 270, 0), "Raygun", 15000 , "ray_gun_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-484, -24, -244),(0, 140, 0), "Ballistic Knife", 800 , "knife_ballistic_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-1486, 864, -72),(0, 360, 0), "Dragunov", 3550 , "dragunov_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-200, 1191, 82),(0, 270, 0), "FAMAS", 1500 , "famas_zm" ); // Galil -1686, 923, 428 level thread custom_wallgun( (180, -1904, -72),(0, -119, 0), "AUG ACOG", 1675 , "aug_acog_zm" ); // easily accessible, but a 1-way trip to } else if(level.script == "zombie_coast") //Call of The Dead { level thread custom_wallgun( (-707, 780, 469),(0, -180, 0), "L96A1", 2550 , "l96a1_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-2536, -1380, 421),(0, 101, 0), "Commando", 1800 , "commando_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-930, -962, 675),(0, 101, 0), "Scavenger", 15000 , "sniper_explosive_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-383, 1904, 317),(0, 272, 0), "AUG ACOG", 1800 , "aug_acog_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (166, -1653, 149),(0, 287, 0), "Wunderwaffe", 35000 , "tesla_gun_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-2683, 599, 82),(0, 282, 0), "Crossbow", 10000 , "crossbow_explosive_zm" ); // Galil level thread custom_wallgun( (-967, 1519, 428),(0, 101, 30), "FN FAL", 1500 , "fnfal_zm" ); // Galil } else if(level.script == "zombie_temple") //Shangri La { } else if(level.script == "zombie_moon") //Moon { } } // custom wallgun custom_wallgun( origin, angles, gun_name, cost, gun) { gun_model = GetWeaponModel(gun); ammo_cost = int(cost * .8); upgraded_ammo_cost = int(cost * 2.25); wallgun = spawn( "script_model", origin ); wallgun setModel( gun_model ); wallgun useweaponhidetags(gun); wallgun rotateTo(angles, .1); trig = spawn("trigger_radius", origin, 1, 25, 25); if (level.script == "zombie_cod5_prototype" || level.script == "zombie_cod5_sumpf"){ //wallgun thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_fx( "revive_light" ); trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" ); trig setHintString("Hold ^3&&1^7 to Buy "+ gun_name +" [Cost: "+ cost +"], Ammo : ["+ammo_cost+"], Upgraded Ammo : ["+upgraded_ammo_cost+"]"); } else{ // wallgun thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_fx( "revive_light" ); trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" ); trig setHintString("Hold ^3&&1^7 to Buy "+ gun_name +" [Cost: "+ cost +"], Ammo : ["+ammo_cost+"], Upgraded Ammo : ["+upgraded_ammo_cost+"]"); } level waittill("notifier_1"); trig thread gun_think(gun, gun_name, cost); } // Custom wallgun logic gun_think(gun, gun_name, cost){ for(;;) { self waittill( "trigger", who ); weapon = who GetCurrentWeapon(); ammocount = who getammocount(weapon); clipcount = who getweaponammoclip(weapon); maxammo = weaponmaxammo(weapon); ammo_cost = int(cost * 0.5); upgraded_ammo_cost = int(cost * 5.25 * 0.5); upgraded_gun = level.zombie_weapons[gun].upgrade_name; has_full_ammo = (maxammo <= ammocount - clipcount); if(gun == "knife_ballistic_zm" && who hasweapon("bowie_knife_zm")) { gun = "knife_ballistic_bowie_zm"; } if( who UseButtonPressed() && who.score >= upgraded_ammo_cost && who hasweapon(upgraded_gun) && !has_full_ammo) { while(who UseButtonPressed() ) wait 0.05; who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( upgraded_ammo_cost ); who givemaxammo( upgraded_gun ); self playSound("zmb_cha_ching"); } else if ( who UseButtonPressed() && who hasWeapon(gun) && !has_full_ammo && who.score >= ammo_cost ) { while( who UseButtonPressed() ) wait 0.05; who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( ammo_cost ); who givemaxammo( gun ); self playSound("zmb_cha_ching"); } else if( who UseButtonPressed() && who.score >= cost && weapon != gun && !who hasweapon(gun)) { while( who UseButtonPressed() ) wait 0.05; who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( cost ); who thread do_give_weapon(gun); wait 2.5; } else if( who UseButtonPressed() && !( who.score >= cost ) ) { while( who UseButtonPressed() ) wait 0.05; play_sound_on_ent( "no_purchase" ); who maps\_zombiemode_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "no_money", undefined, 1 ); } wait 0.05; } } // wallgun logic after purchase do_give_weapon(gun){ primaryWeapons = self GetWeaponsListPrimaries(); on_hand = primaryWeapons.size; wait(0.5); if(on_hand == 1){ self GiveWeapon( gun ); self SwitchToWeapon( gun ); self playSound("zmb_cha_ching"); } else if(on_hand == 2 && self HasPerk( "specialty_additionalprimaryweapon" )){ self GiveWeapon( gun ); self SwitchToWeapon( gun ); self playSound("zmb_cha_ching"); } else { inhand = self getCurrentWeapon(); self TakeWeapon( inhand ); self GiveWeapon( gun ); self SwitchToWeapon( gun ); self playSound("zmb_cha_ching"); } }
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Hey Im not sure if Im missing anything but I cant buy a custom weapon off the wall. Do I need to change something in code or is my game bugged out or?