[Support] how to lower Health percentage and weapons in my server.
how do i make it so u dont get hit markers with snipers. and the only weapons u can kill someone with are snipers.
Blessa You can edit health in the gamemode configs. As for damage you need to have a damage callback with iDamage being the damage output.
Blessa You need to have a .gsc file going, here's what you need to put in it :
Step 1:
Put this in init() :level.onplayerdamage = ::onplayerdamage;
Step 2:
Put this anywhere in your file :onplayerdamage( einflictor, eattacker, idamage, idflags, smeansofdeath, sweapon, vpoint, vdir, shitloc, psoffsettime ) { if(!isSubStr(sweapon, "svu_") && !isSubStr(sweapon, "dsr50_") && !isSubStr(sweapon, "ballista_") && !isSubStr(sweapon, "xpr50_") && smeansofdeath != "MOD_MELEE" && smeansofdeath != "MOD_EXPLOSIVE" && smeansofdeath != "MOD_GRENADE") self.health = 100; }
Edit: added grenade damage