Bo2 and Bo1 Zombies Crashing (Crashando)
Problem in English:
My Bo2 and Bo1 Zombies crash after 10~15 seconds launching the game. I search the solution, but always not it works the "Solution of this problem". I need help fast. All help is welcome!!Problema em Português:
Meus Bo2 e Bo1 Zumbis travam após 10 a 15 segundos ao iniciar o jogo. Procuro a solução, mas sempre não funciona a "Solução". Preciso de ajuda rapidamente. Toda ajuda é bem-vinda!! -
ZUMBIZINHO Are you using steam?
WolflexZ No
ZUMBIZINHO Cannot help you unless you bought the game instead of pirating it.
Bro, before plutonium place to play only original game, was pirate, and my pc crashed. I don't know what happening
ZUMBIZINHO Plutonium changed it. They do not want to risk a cease and desist. Haven't you heard of sm2, h2m, boiii, and xlabs?
Only BoIII, i never hear the rest names. I'm new in plutonium other games, i only plays Bo1 and the Bo2, i have the Bo3 Original. You create wrath the plutonium launcher to Bo3 and Bo4??