Unable to load binary into memory when launching plutonium by commandline
Launcher Support
I believe I may need to set some sort of key when launching the bootstrapper by commandline? For weird reasons I'm kind of locked in to this method, so I can't use the GUI to launch it which works otherwise.
Here's the command I'm using:
plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t6zm "C:\Users\......\bo2\pluto_t6_full_game" +lan +name "mikegrozos"
which then gives me the message popup box "Unable to load binary into memory". The command prompt window I had open while running this shows me the error by plutonium as
"executable C:\Users\....\plutonium\bin\games\t6zm.exe" not found!
None of my paths are incorrect, and the t6zm file does in fact exist, but not according to plutonium.
Would appreciate any help, and even better if anyone had a link to where all the command line args for launching the bootstrapper is.
No support for pirates.
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