Adjust Scavenger to Emulate MW2 with GSC?
Hi there,
Two years ago I used a GSC script (credit mostly to Resxt) to remove spawn protection and the visual effects of the MOAB for playing against bots.
For some reason I don't understand, a side-effect of running this script was that Scavenger behaved as it did in MW2, and resupplied secondary weapons, lethals, and tacticals with each pickup. I haven't changed this script at all, but when running the game now, two years later, on an updated version of Plutonium, Scavenger works as it did in MW3, resupplying only the primary weapon.
As a Javelin addict on MW2 who much preferred Scavenger's ability to resupply it, is there any way to restore this behavior with a GSC script? I did a search of the forums and found nothing. I've attached the script, which shouldn't have had any effect but somehow did.
Thanks for the help.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\killstreaks\_nuke; Init() { level.killstreakSpawnShield = 0; } main() { replacefunc(maps\mp\killstreaks\_nuke::nukeVision, ::disableNukeVision); replacefunc(maps\mp\killstreaks\_nuke::nukeEffects, ::disableNukeEffects); } disableNukeVision() { } disableNukeEffects() { level endon( "nuke_cancelled" ); setdvar( "ui_bomb_timer", 0 ); foreach ( var_1 in level.players ) { var_2 = anglestoforward( var_1.angles ); var_2 = ( var_2[0], var_2[1], 0 ); var_2 = vectornormalize( var_2 ); var_3 = 5000; var_4 = spawn( "script_model", var_1.origin + var_2 * var_3 ); var_4 setmodel( "tag_origin" ); var_4.angles = ( 0, var_1.angles[1] + 180, 90 ); var_4 thread nukeEffect( var_1 ); } }
undefined Resxt moved this topic from MW3 Modding Releases & Resources on
Try this in the Init function
level.scavenger_altmode = 1; level.scavenger_secondary = 1;
If it doesn't work then monitoring the scavenger pickup and filling up the secondary's ammo might do the trick -
Resxt said in Adjust Scavenger to Emulate MW2 with GSC?:
Try this in the Init function
Thanks for the suggestion (and for moving the thread to the right forum; sorry about that). I tried adding that to the init function, but no luck. I also tried changing the "perk_scavengerMode" variable from 0 to 1 in the console but noticed no change. I'm not quite sure how to do what you're suggesting so I suppose I'll deal with it as is until someone with more coding experience than me decides to come up with a fix, haha.
It would also resupply lethals and tacticals before, too. Really weird, because I know for certain I didn't have the expertise to write the code to do this, nor did I write a script for it, so it must have changed something else in the engine back then...