ZM - HUD Pack Buried/Origins/Motd
Hi ! I just made a lil hud pack for dlc map (no die rise)
This is every hud's : (btw sorry for the quality, dds files ruins 50% of the good quality images xd
and now all the crew of luffy(yes, i love one piece
) (i have redesign some of emblem for better visual like zoro or sanji for the exemple)
(maybe one of my favorite, robin)
Franky looks rly good imo
(this is the original quality so u can see how the dds file ruin the quality xd)
i recommand to use invisible bar to not have this ugly thing :
with this pack : the 15 hud pack its here :
U just need to choice the hud u want, remplace the name by :hud_buried_dpad - For buried
hud_tomb_dpad - For origins
hud_hell_dpad - For motdfor exemple i want zoro in buried and the number is 8, so i take the file 8 and i add the name for buried :
Now i just need to put the hud_buried file in my images folder of plutonium/redacted
And its done !Choice the hud u want for any maps, it take 20 secondes to do
This is the number of all hud's :
(naomi is this)
I hope u enjoy it !
Have fun!
If u have any problem let me know in the comment
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@Tentha Thanks you
@frenzies Np
man i don't know how change de HDU
I.BEAR.I read the post
Naomi_ men, i don't good for English but u say "U just need to choice the hub u want, replace the name by" but i stupid :c and i don't know i like re name of the images ? i don't know i try on li put on images and nothing
I.BEAR.I Like you see the images?
Take like the 9, its " Ace emblem "
You just need to take this 9.iwi (9) and remplace the name by this :hud_buried_dpad - For buried
hud_tomb_dpad - For origins
hud_hell_dpad - For motdAfter the rename, just put the image in your images folder.
Naomi_ Hi, is there a way for this to work on Die Rise and Town?
Naomi_ Hi, can I get a link to the hud? I've been looking for it for a while.
Hey link down
link doesn't work
hi, able to reupload the dl link? it doesnt work anymore. thanks!
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